If applying to a dietetic internship were a job opportunity, the personal statement would be the all-too-dreaded cover letter. You’re probably thinking to yourself… “Why can’t dietetic internship admissions committees just refer to my DICAS application, transcripts, resume, etc?” Well, sure, we could, but do you really believe who you are as a person can be summed up by your GPA or official transcripts? Yes, your resume can say a lot about your experiences, but what about the challenges you’ve faced on your RD2Be journey or your aspirations and career goals for the future? That’s not something we can learn from your resume alone.

Treat your DICAS application like a page in a coloring book; take the time to fill in the blank space with color (aka your personal statement), and it can help your application come to life.

Now that you understand the WHY of writing a DICAS application personal statement, let’s review the HOW.

Be Personable

We want to get to know you as a person, so let your voice and personality shine through. This is much more important than being formal and saying what you think we want to hear. Everyone applying to our program has the goal of becoming a registered dietitian, so don’t be afraid to include elements of your life that could help you stand out.

Address Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Most people confine their discussion of weaknesses to a limited set that can be viewed as positive (“I’m a perfectionist!). We see this repeatedly, and we can see through it.

Use the personal statement as an opportunity to explain any weaknesses in your application, i.e., poor grades. Tell us why these things happened, how you overcame the challenges, and what you learned. Addressing weaknesses in your personal statement can help us understand what may have occurred and whether you learned from it, giving us more confidence in your ability to be an outstanding dietetic intern. 

Be Authentic

Avoid using cookie-cutter templates that you may have found online or been provided with. We can immediately tell when an applicant is using one of these templates, and we always prefer to read something less polished but more authentic. You may take inspiration from one of these templates to help you get started, but make it your own. 

Say No to ChatGPT

Do not use AI to generate your DICAS application personal statement. Not only is this unethical, but it is immediately obvious to us if we’re reading something that’s AI-generated. You could use ChatGPT for a first proofread, but we still recommend asking another human to proofread as well!

Have your Personal Statement Make Sense

Make sure your DICAS application is internally consistent. If you say you’ve wanted to pursue a nutrition career since you were a child but majored in computer science or history and then switched tracks later on, your story doesn’t make sense. If your path seems inconsistent at first glance, explain your thought process to help us connect the dots and understand how you got to be where you are today.

Be Honest

If you’re undecided as to which career path you want to pursue within dietetics, say so! Your internship is a wonderful time to explore different paths, and our program is ideal for this kind of exploration. It makes more sense to say, “I’m looking forward to figuring it out,” than to emphatically state that you’re focused on five or six different specialties.

Know your Audience

If you’re talking about what attracts you to BWS DI or what makes you an ideal candidate for us, don’t refer to us as “your program.” That signals that you have not taken the time to customize your statement and are saying the same thing to multiple programs, undermining the credibility of your statements. 


Don’t just review your personal statement once; proofread it two, three, or four times if necessary to ensure there are no grammar mistakes or inconsistencies. Ask a classmate, a professor, a friend, a parent, etc. to help you proofread it as well. Your personal statement is an opportunity to show yourself in the best light, not to showcase errors.

Keep it Simple

All you need is Times New Roman and 12-point font. There is no need to fancy up your personal statement with special fonts or stylings. We care more about the words than how they look, so don’t worry about the document’s design.

Get Started Writing your DICAS Application Personal Statement

Writing your DICAS application personal statement might take more than just one day or even a weekend, and that is okay. If words don’t come easily to you, then perhaps try creating an outline first and building out the sections later on. 

We know no one can truly sum themselves up in 1,000 words or less but, your personal statement is an opportunity to help us learn about you in the context of who you are as an aspiring RD.

Ready to learn how to apply to BWS DI? Check out our page on how to apply, plus review the important dates for your intended application cycle. Don’t forget to sign up for DICAS!