As a distance dietetic internship, we require interns to secure their own rotations using sites and preceptors of their choice. Interns are expected to find qualified preceptors and are required to complete a minimum of 1040 supervised practice hours through one of our two rotation schedule options. Our two rotation schedule options are outlined below:
5 Rotation Schedule Option
Includes an emphasis rotation, which allows interns to select a focus area of particular interest to them. The required rotations and hours are as follows:
• Clinical (320 hours)
• Foodservice (80 hours)
• Community & Public Health (160 hours)
• Wellness Disease Prevention (320 hours)
• Emphasis (160 hours)
4 Rotation Schedule Option
Designed for interns who wish to deepen their expertise in one of our four core program disciplines. Interns are allotted 160 flex hours, which are used to expand the rotation(s) of greatest interest to them. The required rotations and hours are as follows:
• Clinical (320 hours)
• Foodservice (80 hours)
• Community & Public Health (160 hours)
• Wellness Disease Prevention (320 hours)
• Flex (160 hours)
Tips for Getting Started
• Establish connections with RDNs in your area by becoming a student member of your state’s Academy affiliate.
• Utilize LinkedIn to find RDNs in your geographic area.
• Reach out to BWS DI alumni to see if they have any leads in the area where you are looking for preceptors.
• Connect with family and friends who are professionals in healthcare settings.
• Use the Find a Preceptor Database from the Academy.
• Talk to past professors, supervisors, co-workers, and peers.
Securing Preceptors FAQs
Can I split my rotations between more than one site? We prefer that each rotation is completed at one site. However, we do allow interns to use more than one site to complete Clinical, if the two combined rotations would provide the best clinical experience. We require a minimum of 2 weeks at any site. We will review requests to split other rotations on a case-by-case basis, with the expectation of Foodservice, which cannot be split.
Can I use the same site for more than one rotation? Yes! For example, many hospitals have been able to accommodate clinical and foodservice experiences.
Is there any paperwork that BWS DI requires to be collected for each site before being accepted into the program? No. Once matched to BWS DI, we require additional paperwork for all rotation sites, but this is not required to apply. If a site requires paperwork collection, please reach out to us and we will work with the site to get the process started prior to Match Day.
Does my preceptor need to be an RDN? No, we only require that your Clinical preceptor be an RDN. For other rotations, such as Community or Foodservice, individuals with other backgrounds may make great preceptors. However, it is recommended to utilize RDNs when possible. If you have a potential preceptor who is not an RDN, please let us know so that we can review that individual’s qualifications.
Does BWS DI accept virtual experiences? Yes, if the site experiences/projects are already virtually based, we will allow it. However, for our core rotations (i.e. Wellness and Clinical), the majority of the hours need to be in-person.
Do I have to schedule my rotations in a particular order? (i.e. Clinical first) No. You are more than welcome to put your rotations in the order that best fits your needs and each preceptor’s availability. Please list them on the template in chronological order–that makes it easier for us to quickly see how your schedule is laid out.
How do I know if a site will qualify for a specific rotation? If you’re unsure whether a site qualifies for a specific rotation, please see the Options for Rotation Site Selection Table below for ideas or visit the Helpful Resources section on our website. If you are still unsure, please email us at and provide us with the site name, website link, and the rotation you hope to use the site for so we may review it. We can also send you the list of learning competencies assigned to that rotation, so you may provide it to the preceptor for them to review and confirm that their experience will be able to fulfill each competency.
Options for Rotation Site Selection
Clinical Rotation (Full)
• Community hospitals or medical centers
• Long-term or rehabilitation facilities
• Pediatric hospitals
Clinical Rotation (Partial)
• Bariatric clinics
• Dialysis centers
• Behavioral health/mental health facilities
• Inpatient eating disorder programs
• Primary care outpatient clinics
• Federally qualified health centers
Foodservice Rotation
• School foodservices
• Hospital/medical center foodservice
• Long-term care/sub-acute clinical foodservice
• College/university or corporate dining services
Consulting organizations serving any of the above
• Food manufacturing companies serving any of the above
• Catering or prepared meals companies with a nutrition focus
Community/Public Health Rotation
• State, county or local public health departments
• National public health agencies (CDC, USDA)
• University co-op extension programs
• SNAP-ed or EFNEP
• Healthcare industry associations (American Heart Association, American Cancer Society)
• Food banks
• Grocery store/supermarket chains
• Head Start programs
• Health-related children’s camps
• Health-related nonprofit agencies
• Office for the Aging or Meals on Wheels
Wellness Rotation
• Corporate wellness companies
• Companies with established in-house wellness programs
• Universities providing wellness programming to staff and/or students
• Military bases
• Hospitals or community organizations providing wellness programs
• Insurance companies with a focus on preventative wellness.
• Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
• Benefits brokers providing wellness services
• Large fitness/athletic clubs
• Nutrition and wellness private/group practices serving corporate clients
Emphasis Rotation (Optional)–Any area of interest to you, such as the following:
• Pediatrics
• Sports Nutrition
• Private Practice
• Outpatient counseling
• Diabetes management
• Eating disorders
Securing Preceptorsbwsdi2021-11-09T20:04:16+00:00