Intern Support

Distance Dietetic Internship Benefits

If you’re a student studying to become a registered dietitian, then you know completing a dietetic internship is in your future. While this may seem daunting, applying and matching to a dietetic internship can totally be within your reach with a distance dietetic internship. Whether you are a new degree-seeking student or readying to apply [...]

2024-07-08T15:12:30+00:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: DICAS, Dietetic Internship, Intern Support|0 Comments

10 Tips for Passing the RD Exam

Taking the RD Exam is the last major hurdle before officially becoming a registered dietitian. If you’ve gotten to this point, congratulations! You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get through studying and the stress of taking an exam that will determine whether or not you become a registered dietitian. Before we get started on the [...]

2024-04-15T17:59:00+00:00May 19th, 2023|Categories: Dietetic Internship, Intern Support, RD Exam|0 Comments
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